Strengths Finder is an assessment tool that identifies one’s natural, recurring patterns of thought, feeling, and behavior. It then categorizes the five most dominant talents, known as Signature Themes, and provides descriptive explanations.
People who are strong Achievers have a great deal of work ethic and stamina. They take great satisfaction from being engaged and productive.
People with strong Competition have the ability to stimulate themselves and others to a higher standard of performance. They can raise a group’s achievement level by creating a culture of winning and an aspiration to be the best.
Checking the rear view mirror is essential for safe driving. It keeps drivers up to date with what’s happening behind them. In the same way, people with strong Context have a unique ability to understand the link between where they have come from and where they are going.
People with strong Individualization notice and appreciate the unique characteristics of each person and can customize their approach accordingly. Like a casting director, they use their intelligence about people to position them to do what they do best. This creates a type of team synergy that leads to a more enjoyable experience and increased effectiveness. As Jim Collins said in the Book, Good to Great, " build a successful organization and team you must get the right people on the bus. Then, put those people in the right seats."
People with strong Strategic talents bring creative anticipation, imagination, and persistence to the groups and projects they work on. They can quickly weigh alternative paths and determine the one that will work best and most efficiently. They find the best route moving forward.
While the core values and aims of our Scouting Movement is unchanged, I believe the demographics of the families we serve continue to evolve. In order to achieve that aim, we must make our programs and our delivery methods more accessible to meet the needs of moms, dads and families.