Why We Do Not Attend Meetings?
At times we call meetings without thinking through who really needs to attend. Sometimes meetings last much longer than necessary. This often happens when meeting organizers do not prepare agendas and supporting documents in advance. Without an agenda, meetings tend to be unfocused and attendees ill-prepared for the topics of discussion.
All meetings should begin with the Pledge of Allegiance and with a prayer. |
Timely Meetings
Start meetings at the scheduled time, and publish an ending time. Stop the meeting when it is scheduled to end. |
Publish the Agenda
Write and publish the meeting agenda. Include the agenda on the same memo or email you use to invite participants. When you share the agenda in advance with attendees, they are more likely to understand why their presence is valuable. With a published agenda, attendees will also be able to prepare ahead of time and that will make the event progress smoothly and quickly.
Follow the Agenda
Follow the agenda that you publish. If one or more of the participants takes the discussion off-track and not for the good of the order, ask them to submit their topics for the next meeting's agenda. Use the “parking lot” to manage off topic discussions. Participants will appreciate the agenda really meaning something, and you will maintain control of the event.
Feed the Participants
Food can be a powerful motivator. If your budget allows, it is a good idea to periodically schedule meetings that includes a meal. Something as simple as a sandwich or cookies and a beverage will suffice. Sharing meals with volunteers is a beneficial team building activity.
New Ideas
When considering things you can do to encourage the volunteers in your council to attend important meetings, stop and think about how they are handled in the office. Ask staff for suggestions about how to make meetings more beneficial to the participants. Give employees a chance to provide feedback regarding what they think would make meetings more effective. Every council is different
Say "Thank You!"
Time is a valuable resource. At the end of the meeting, say "Thank You!" to all in attendance. Follow-up with a personal note to the attendees thanking them for their valuable service.
It is common for people to come away from the same meeting with different interpretations. To reduce that risk, within 24-hours after the meeting email a memo to all attendees highlighting what was accomplished. Document the responsibilities given, tasks delegated, and any assigned deadlines. In this way, everyone will be on the same page.