90 Day Action Plan
"Don't aspire to be the best on the team.
Aspire to be the best for the team."
In the First Week
In the First 90 Days
Volunteer Engagement
Staff Leadership
Camping & Training
Marketing & Public Relations
Exploring & Learning for Life
Governance & Administration
- Meet with each member of the staff to discuss and gain an understanding of their roles and responsibilities, their career goals, challenges, training needs, and opportunities. Gain their input on strengths, concerns and opportunities within the council.
- Meet with the Council President to discuss priorities and personal goals for the council.
- Meet with the Council Commissioner to discuss the overall health of our units and the status of the rechartering process.
- Acclimate myself with current cash flow and expenses to ensure a smooth transition.
- Review the appropriate check-out reports.
In the First 90 Days
Volunteer Engagement
- Meet with each Executive Board member and District Key-3 for introduction, to build relationships, and to discuss the council and service areas.
- Attend District Roundtables, District Committee & Commissioner meetings, and any other opportunities to engage with volunteers from around the council.
- Hold fireside chats in each district for introduction, to build relationships, to listen to the volunteers concerns and challenges, and share my philosophy of customer service.
- Be visible at district events, Eagle Courts of Honor, and other field activities.
- Secure a listing of all major corporations in our area and their board of directors and begin meeting with them to maintain and/or build relationships.
- Review the Board of Director listings of the other leading non-profit organizations in our area, and schedule meetings with them for introduction and relationship building.
- Meet with the Order of the Arrow Lodge Adviser.
Staff Leadership
- After listening-first, begin to articulate with staff my vision, professional expectations of service-and-success, and express my enthusiasm and confidence in our ability to set goals and attain the Gold level of Journey to Excellence.
- Use strength finders with all members of the Team to help create a winning environment based upon our diverse talents.
- Establish a board mentor program to help retention and engagement with staff.
- Empower staff to make a difference in their work and in their community.
- Be clear with all staff that youth membership and unit growth is vital, and we will do it.
- Review the membership plan and current fall results with key staff and volunteers and encourage progress and accountability.
- Gain an understanding of the roadblocks that may have previously limited success.
- Research the density served by each of our traditional programs in every town or community within our council. Work with staff to prioritize the areas with maximum growth potential.
- Thoroughly review most recent membership audit committee report and recommendations, and test membership validation procedures for effectiveness.
- Work with council volunteers and staff to understand and execute the membership and new unit development plan that ensures growth.
- Meet with key school superintendents and principals to continue developing relationships that are mutually beneficial, and to ensure access.
- Review operating budget with VP-Budget and appropriate staff to ensure strong expense controls.
- Review any audit concerns (specifically account reconciliations) from last year and work with audit committee and business manager to develop continuous improvement.
- Review check signing procedures and business processes.
- Ensure our cash in the bank matches with fund 1, 2 and 3 report balances.
- Immerse myself in the council’s Friends of Scouting campaign, and any other product sales and special events, to ensure on-time and on-goal completion.
- Meet with Board FOS Chair to discuss plans and offer support with the board division.
- Evaluate current status of special events and the current needs of the council.
- Meet with President of United Way(s) that are within our council boundary and review foundation support.
- Submit my personal FOS pledge.
Camping & Training
- Meet with VP-Camping, program staff and volunteer leaders to review our 2023 camp evaluations and plans for 2024.
- Confirm that every district has scheduled sufficient position specific leader training courses.
- Review council program calendar and upcoming district and council events with appropriate committee chairs and staff advisors and ensure marketing strategies are being employed using multiple avenues of technology.
- Ensure 2026 National Jamboree is on-track and that high adventure is prominently positioned in our council.
- Tour camp with Ranger, VP-Properties, volunteers, and appropriate staff to learn about successes, opportunities and facility needs.
Marketing & Public Relations
- Review with VP-Marketing and the appropriate staff the council website, Facebook page and other social media sites to ensure stewardship, written procedures, and timely content updates.
- If necessary, help design our communications plan for both internal and external constituents.
- Ensure a Marketing Committee is active to review our public relations goals.
- Begin scheduling speaking opportunities with service clubs and other organizations throughout the council.
Exploring & Learning for Life
- Visit with our Exploring Executive and key post, district and council exploring leaders to review how we are currently serving our career-based programs.
- Visit school-based Learning for Life programs to see them in action and connect with educators to assess results and outcomes.
- Communicate to staff, volunteers and community leaders, my strong desire and support for steady growth in Career-based Exploring.
- Meet with the non-profit organizations (YMCA, Boys and Girls Club, etc.) that are currently reaching the hard to serve areas. Discuss additional pathways to collaborate.
- Meet with school district leaders and principals of urban or inner city sites to seek their input and suggestions to partner in service to our families.
- Meet with Housing Authority and similar agencies to discuss the community and strategies where Scouting can help make a positive impact.
- Secure a listing of African American, Hispanic and other constituent groups in the community and their civic leaders. Schedule meetings and actively listen to their assessment of Scouting.
Governance & Administration
- Review and determine status of Bylaws, Articles of Incorporation and Bank & Trust accounts.
- Review Board of Directors position description and accountability process.
- Review the council’s current strategic plan. Discuss with Strategic Plan Committee Chair, key volunteers and staff.
- Review district and council succession plan and diversity plan.
- Along with the Council President, recruit a Nominating Chair and a diverse committee.
- Become engaged in the community by joining the appropriate civic club.
- Identify a church home.
- Relocate to reside within the council boundary.